Tolulope Olanrewaju

Software Developer | Cloud Engineer

Hi 👋🏾, I'm Tolu!

I'm Tolulope Olanrewaju, a software developer and cloud engineer with a track record of delivering secure, resilient and cost-effective software products. With 7 years of experience across diverse industries ranging from fintech to supply chain, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

My core proficiencies are in Python, Go, JavaScript and SQL. My expertise extends to frameworks like Django, Flask, Gin, React. Messaging systems like Kafka, NSQ, RabbitMQ. I am well versed in Databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB and DynamoDB. I have an extensive experience with API architectural styles like REST, GraphQL and gRPC.

I am proficient in architecting and developing cloud-native solutions in AWS and I have a strong command of containerization with Docker, Orchestration with Kubernetes, IaC with Terraform and CloudFormation and CI/CD with CodePipeline, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy.

I hold certifications as an AWS Developer Associate and Solutions Architect. I have a Bachelor's degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering from the University of Lagos.

Here's the thing that really gets me going: solving data-related problems. I thrive on creating innovative solutions that turn data into valuable insights, empowering businesses to make informed decisions. I have a genuine passion for solving data-related challenges and I enjoy leveraging data to drive business success.

If you are seeking an expert professional with a dedication to excellence who combines technical prowess and cloud expertise. You should reach out!

Artificial Intelligence Documaster

An API that answers users' questions based on the context of their uploaded documents. It segments document texts into chunks, converting them into vectors. These vectors then serve as context for the OpenAI Chat LLM API to generate context-aware responses.

See source code
Microservices Video-2-Audio

A Kubernetes orchestrated suite of python microservices to convert video to audio. The services are Auth, Gateway, RabbitMQ, Converter and Notification.

See source code
Payment & Subscription Go commerce

A robust demonstration of direct purchase and subscription payment capability in an E-commerce platform. It includes an invoicing microservice and uses Stripe as payment gateway.

See source code
Mechanics Mars Rover

An executable program that distributes locomotive instructions to cluster of robotic rovers on mars (or just any land 🤷🏾‍♂️) and moves each rovers according to the initial relative position and the given instructions.

See source code
On-premises -> Cloud Easy Backup

A CLI tool to automate compression and backup of files into AWS S3 or a dedicated directory. Easy Backup is based on two main programs: a management tool to keep track of backup events and a daemon to run backup. The daemon uses go routines to run multiple compression and backup in parallel.

See source code
Repository Design Pattern URL Shortener

A URL shortener developed in a repository design pattern so that external components can simply be connected as plug and play. It supports MongoDB and Redis for DB. It supports JSON and MessagePack for HTTP data serialization. It can easily be extended to support different data stores and serialization techniques.

See source code
Load Balancing Static Load Balancer

A simple round-robin load balancer implemented in Go.

See source code
Websocket Go Chat

A mini chat room implemented in Go. It uses Gorilla WebSocket package to setup websocket, GitHub OAuth for authentication. Also leverages Goroutines and channels.

See source code
To view more projects, visit my GitHub Page
20 June 2023 | Finance 6 Engineering Tips to Build Secure and Resilient Financial Systems — Part 2

I addressed two real-world scenarios of the effect of race conditions in financial systems. I explained how monetary values should be represented in code and how to leverage financial immutability to build resilient financial systems.

20 June 2023 | Finance 6 Engineering Tips to Build Secure and Resilient Financial Systems — Part 1

I wrote about how idempotency can help reduce operational overhead. I discussed the best practices to storing mission-critical secrets used by financial applications. I also wrote about the importance of atomicity of database operations in financial systems.

9 January 2023 | Web Security Fundamentals of web security against injection attacks

I explained the fundamental concepts of SQL and Script injection attacks on web applications and how to build injection-proof web applications.

20 January 2022 | Communications API Building a Social CRM with Django and the Vonage Messages API

Here, I taught how to build the core features of a social CRM using Vonage Messages API and Django. Using a practical approach, I built a MVP social CRM that helps sales agents and customer support team communicate with potential & existing customers directly on Facebook in real-time.

19 February 2021 | Best Practice 5 Design Principles every Software Engineer should know (Practical Approach with Duber using Golang)

I gave a practical explanation of the SOLID principles using a car rental application (Duber) written in Go.

21 January 2021 | How to How to serialize custom user model and register new instances with Django REST Framework

I explained how to setup a custom user model in Django. I also described how to serialize the model with Django REST Framework and register new instances (That is, new users) in a way that is adaptive to the Django & DRF way.
